“Ministry to youth with the gospel at the center means we frequently take the opportunity to proclaim the good news of salvation through Christ. We pray fervently that the Holy Spirit will work in the hearts of our students. We equip volunteer leaders and students to share the gospel in their world. We go out into the world and proclaim Christ by word and deed.” – Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry, pg. 34
- Jonathan Haidt’s ‘The Anxious Generation’: Essential Learning for Youth Ministers by Chelsea Kingston Erickson
- When the Personality of Your Youth Group Changes: Living Out the Fruit of the Spirit by Skyler Flowers
- When Teenagers Choose Sports or the Arts Over Youth Group by Matt Brown
- Tips for Gospel-Centered Games in Youth Ministry (from Someone Who Stinks at Games) by Chelsea Kingston Erickson
- Jean Twenge’s ‘Generations’: Four Takeaways for Youth Ministers by Chelsea Kingston Erickson
- A Conversation About Curbing Cliques at Youth Group by Chelsea Kingston Erickson and Anna Meade Harris
- Discipling Student Leaders to Welcome Fellow Students by Meredith Dixon
- Three Tips for Welcoming New Students to Youth Group by Steve Eatmon
- Youth Group Games- Our Three Best Tips by Mike McGarry
- Making Games Work in Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry by John Gardner
- Podcasts
Giving Up Gimmicks: Reclaiming Youth Ministry from Entertainment Culture by Brian Cosby. “Brian Cosby demonstrates a ministry approach that nurtures teens and brings them back for more — one solidly grounded in Christ and patterned after the means of grace: the Word, sacraments, prayer, service, and community.”