Russell Moore shares what makes the most successful youth ministers so successful in the long-term, Biblical sense of the word. To listen to the whole podcast from Russell Moore, click here.

Russell Moore joined us for the Rooted Conference, a youth ministry conference that is centered on the gospel and sharing the gospel with the next generation. Listen to the rooted conference podcast and subscribe today anywhere you get your podcasts, and join us for the next Rooted Conference.

“One of the temptations that you’re going to have in ministry, especially in student ministry is to hear all the techniques that will enable. you to reach the next generation for Christ. you’re going to think that you have to know the answer to every question that might be thrown at you by any adolescent in the church and beyond, or anyone to whom they listen. You’re going to think if you just get enough resources, this will be the way that you reach them. But if you look around, the most long-term successful, in the Biblical sense of the world, people in youth ministry and student ministry are…”