Paul Tripp’s name is synonymous with wise Christian parenting practices, and his book Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens is one of the most hopeful, practical resources available today. Our culture tends to see teenagers as problematic: hormones, inexperience, and expanding freedom create a potentially combustible mix in a young person’s life, and parents can only hope that they, and their children, can survive the teenage years with a measure of sanity intact. Or so the narrative goes. Paul Tripp pushed back against this notion, arguing that the teen years are in fact a marvelous opportunity for us to peer into our children’s hearts — and our own. The sovereignty of God and His gracious gospel are more than powerful enough to meet the needs of parents and kids during this exciting time of growth into adulthood. Cameron and Anna interview Paul Tripp in this special episode of the Rooted Parent podcast. You will especially want to hear Tripp remind us that biology is not destiny, and that the power that raised Christ from the dead is strong enough to enable parents to respond wisely to lively teenagers. You’ll especially want to hear Tripp’s five questions that will help you apply the gospel to your child’s heart. Be encouraged as Tripp reminds us that we serve a practical God, and the truth of his gospel has helpful, practical applications as we seek to raise children who will glorify God and serve him with gladness. To listen to more from the Rooted Parent Podcast, click here.