The Nuts and Bolts of Effective Blog Writing: Register for Our Next Webinar Today!

Are you interested in learning to express the gospel more clearly and honing your craft for publication on Christian websites? Please join us for The Nuts and Bolts of Effective Blog Writing on Monday, February 5, at 1:00 PM CST. The Rooted content team will talk about the elements of an effective blog article and offer a close look at most essential characteristics of Rooted articles. There will be time for Q & A, so bring your questions! Whether you are a seasoned Rooted writer, or simply interested in learning more about how our volunteer writers contribute, we welcome you to join us. Danny, Rebecca, Chelsea, and Anna will share practical tips and biblical encouragement with youth workers and parents who hope to share the good news of Jesus!

You may register for the webinar here. We hope to see you there!