Rooted Parent Top Ten of November 2023

Welcome to the Rooted Parent Top Ten, a curated list of resources from across the web that we believe will be helpful to parents raising teenagers. Here you’ll find articles, podcasts, and videos to support you in gospel- centered discipleship and interpreting youth culture. While most are gospel focused, others are included because they include a message of common grace. (The opinions presented in these articles do not necessarily reflect the position of Rooted Ministry.) At the end, you’ll find Rooted resources compiled from the last month’s new offerings. We hope this resource is helpful!


I’ve Been A Prosperity Gospel Parent by Gretchen Ronnevik, Christianity Today. “We didn’t realize then that when we take principles from the Bible and strip them of Christ and his redemption and forgiveness, they become something else entirely. We took the posture of Adam and Eve holding the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, thinking that if we could just know what to do and not do, then we wouldn’t be quite so reliant on God’s grace.” One of the best parenting articles we have ever read anywhere. 

Am I A Good Mom? By Haylee Williams, “God says my sin is the true problem I face, not teenagers with attitudes.”

The Question Your Kids Shouldn’t Be Asking by Melissa LaCross, “ If you think being a Christian parent is difficult and your family isn’t a vital and faithful part of a local church, then you’re wrong–Christian parenting without the influence of the church isn’t just difficult. It’s impossible.”

One Thing My Parents Did Right: Ask for Forgiveness by Ashley Kim, TGC. “I grew up aware my sin was serious because my parents regarded their sin against me as serious.”

Who Are You When Only Your Family Is Looking? by Tim Challies. “After all, when no one is looking, you are not being challenged by other people, you are not being sinned against, you are not being forced to practice courteous conduct and gentle speech. You are not practicing or neglecting discipleship through Word and prayer, you are not failing or succeeding to lead others through trying circumstances.”

Teen Culture

Why Are We Always on Call for Our Kids? by Kathryn Jezer-Morton, Thought-provoking article about parental phone use. “I began to wonder if the “standing reserve” approach to parenting, in which we are always on call for our kids’ logistical needs, is a way of compensating for being too distracted to meet their need for actual connection.”

Instagram Addicted Your Teenager Because She’s Worth $270 to Them by Chris Martin, This one is scary, but worth reading, and maybe even discussing with your teenager. “In the war for the mental health of teenagers it is Parents v. The Best-Paid, Most Brilliant Computer and Behavioral Scientists in the World. And parents don’t stand a chance.” None of us stands a chance, apart from Jesus. But do not be afraid: in him, the victory is secure. 

What parents need to know about Twitch by Jamie Davis Smith, “ Twitch does not require users to register in order to view content. “This presents a unique danger to minors as they are observed and followed by many unknown, faceless individuals,” Milanaik says. She compares livestreaming on Twitch to leaving a window wide open in a child’s bedroom.”

To Share With Your Teenager

What My Video Game Habit Revealed About My Heart by Jay King. “In the end, the issue isn’t gaming or not gaming but the gamer’s heart. It’s not ultimately about modifying our behavior but about attending to our souls and guarding them from idols.”

Arenas Are Cathedrals: What Sports Reveal About Worship by Mark Jones, “The art of enjoying sports is to remember that we can learn to be content whatever the circumstances.”

On Rooted

Five Ways to Care for Your Child’s Small Group Leader This Christmas by Mary Madeline Schumpert

Rooted’s 2023 Book Awards: Best New Books for Parents

Rooted’s 2023 Book Awards: Best New Books for Teenagers

What Can Christians Learn From Taylor Swift? Common Grace from Miss Americana by Mark Howard

Our All-Sufficient God Will Help You Disciple Your Children by Andrew Slay

When I Am Angry With My Child by Anna Meade Harris   

Social Media: Four Considerations From a Youth Pastor to Parents by Ryan Oakes

Descent into Hope: One Father’s Story of Addiction & Recovery by Burt Dickinson

When My Teenager Doesn’t Like Church by Connie Nelson

The Lies We Love to Believe: Helping Parents and Teenagers Replace Lies With Truth by Angela Tiland

Parenting, Technology, and the Truth: Social Media Promotes Comparison (podcast)

Parenting, Technology, and the Truth: The Insider-Outsider Truth of Being a Teenager (podcast)