Welcome to this month’s Rooted Parent Top 10 – a list of parenting articles from across the web for the Rooted community. This list represents ten articles we believe will encourage and equip you as you parent your kids. At the end of the list we have included several of the pieces that ran on Rooted Parent over the last month. If you have an article you’d like to contribute to the next edition of the Top Ten, please email Anna at anna@rootedministry.com.
Gospel-Centered Parenting
Choose For Yourself: Joshua’s Message for Dads by Daniel K. Eng, SOLA Network. “For me, having my household serve the LORD means our lifestyle is transformed. We read the Bible every day together as a family.”
Graduation: The Joyful Grief of Letting Go by Melissa Kruger, TGC. “In the letting go of today, there is hope for tomorrow.”
The Other Great Parenting Books: How the Best Stories Point Kids to Christ by Kathryn Butler, DesiringGod.org. “Great stories will point to the gospel only if our kids first know God’s word.”
The Lord Is Their Shepherd by Brianna Lambert, Gospel-Centered Discipleship. “…if we’re not careful, we may forget that all our work as parents is only a part of their true shepherd’s guidance.”
Does God Punish Children for the Sins of Their Parents? by Kristopher Schall, Growing Dads. “The consequences of sin are incredibly frightening. But praise God that ‘His mercy is more’.”
Worthy Inconvenience: The Surprise of Foster Parenting by Jilliana Goble, Mbird.com. “Foster care has shown me the struggles of others, so distant from my own — and yet it’s placed this glaring truth in front of me: we all miss the mark.”
Family Culture
How to Quit Intensive Parenting by Elliott Haspel, The Atlantic. “What parents need, then, is not another bromide against micromanaging their kids, but pragmatic steps to alter course and still feel good about it.”
3 Things I’ll Teach My Kid about Porn: Former Addicted Dad Speaks Up by Gabe Deem, defendyoungminds.com. “I believe all parents want their children to grow up and form healthy, loving relationships. Yet if our first generation of digital natives has learned anything, it’s that the more “connected” we become online, the more we struggle to feel connected in real life.”
To Share With Your Teenager
10 Reasons Why It’s Good to Be a Girl by Jen Oshman, Crossway. “Women are not afterthoughts, or second best, or evolutionary by-products. Our good God set out with intention, knowing his image was not complete in Adam alone, to make you and me.”
Help! I’m Supposed to Be the Perfect Child, Student, and Christian by David Murray, Crossway. “We live in a culture of impossible expectations. Teens are under incredible pressure to succeed on a number of fronts, including school, sports, church, work, and friends.”
On Rooted
Behind a Counselor’s Door: Why Kids Don’t Talk to Their Parents by Kristen Hatton
How Summer Camp Prepared Our Family for Hard Things by Melissa Powell
Summer Prayers for Parents by Anna Meade Harris
Praying for Perseverance in Our Parenting by Anna Meade Harris
Combating Regret in Parenting: Looking Back and Looking Forward by Katie Polski
Prayers for Uvalde, Texas by Rooted
Rooted Resources for Parents and Youth Pastors: School Shootings and Grief