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Rooted 2023 Parent Registration $200
November 2-4, 2023

Parents, join us for this unique, simple conference for youth ministers, volunteers and parents. It begins with the Gospel as the starting point and considers all matters in ministry and youth culture from that axis. This conference features engaging biblical teaching, practical workshops, and music in an intimate atmosphere.

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Rooted 2023 Youth Ministry Registration $200
November 2-4, 2023

Youth Ministry workers, join us for this unique, simple conference for youth ministers, volunteers and parents. It begins with the Gospel as the starting point and considers all matters in ministry and youth culture from that axis. This conference features engaging biblical teaching, practical workshops, and music in an intimate atmosphere.

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One-Day Parent Registration (Saturday Nov. 4) $50
November 4, 2023

If you’re a parent and can’t make it for the full three day conference, we would love to welcome you for a one-day only registration to join us Saturday, November 4! We will have two main session speakers and two workshops this day, along with music and fellowship. It will be a rich experience for you, and we hope you can join us!

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