“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.”- Romans 13:1
- Three Truths I Want Teenagers to Know Amidst War in Ukraine by Cameron Cole
- When the Conversation at Youth Group Turns to Politics by Mac Harris
- Praying for the President by Rooted
- Shaping the Church’s Future Voters through Christ-Focused Discipleship by Davis Lacey
- Five Truths We Must Tell Our Kids in a World of Political Chaos and Madness by Cameron Cole
- Teenagers and Election Season: Is Fear More Infectious than Faith? by Kendal Conner
- Rooted Conference: Clark Fobes, “Politics and God’s Kingdom: Mediating in a Divided World and a Divided Home”
- Scott Sauls on “A Gentle Answer” and How to Teach Teens to Live Counter-Culturally
- Episode 10 – Civil War Revisited: The “Thing” About Neutrality…
- Rooted Youth Ministry Podcast: Discussing A Gentle Answer with Scott Sauls
“A Gentle Answer: Our Secret Weapon in an Age of Us Against Them” by Scott Sauls. “For those who long for a more civil way of being, A Gentle Answer reveals why answering hostility with gentleness is essential, how we can nurture our hearts to do so, and what a gentle answer looks like, both in the church and in the world.”