Rooted Parent Podcast: Talking To Your Kids About Loving Their Enemies (Season 2: Sane Parenting in Insane Times)

In today’s culture, we are quick to characterize others who have a different political view, ideology, or worldview as “enemies.” And often teens see siblings, coaches, teachers, and even parents as enemies simply because they don’t see eye-to-eye. As Christians, we are called to love our enemies, whether they are truly opposed to us or not. What does that mean? What are some practical steps we can take as parents to teach our teenagers to love their enemies? Anna Meade Harris and Cameron Cole dive into scripture to answer those questions.

Show Notes:

Matthew 5:43-48

Conflict Without Casualties: A Field Guide to Compassionate Accountability by Nate Regier

Please see also these resources on Rooted:

Three Political Truths I Want My Kids to Know by Mark Howard

The God Who Loves His Enemies by Anna Meade Harris

2020 Political Principles for Teenagers by Luke Paiva

Youth Ministers as a Bridge Between Parents and Children by Mark Culton

Sibling Rivalry: The Poisonous Tie That Binds by Tracey Rector