Hope and Perseverance in Youth Ministry: Relational Discipleship with Syler Thomas

“I do think there is some sprinting that happens in the fall, but you have to keep in mind that it is a marathon. You are always looking at the big picture. And so caring for my soul becomes really important.”

In this episode, Danny sits down to talk with Syler Thomas, who has been overseeing and leading the student ministries (along with other roles) at Christ Church in Lake Forest, Illinois since 1998. Syler been a frequent speaker at Rooted Conferences and serves on the Rooted Steering Committee and Parent Steering Committee. He talks about hope and perseverance in youth ministry in general and in terms of the realities of youth ministry in new seasons. He also talks about hope and perseverance in relational discipleship, along with how youth workers in ministry can nurture practices and rhythms to embrace a healthy, gospel-centered perspective, in order to thrive, survive, and persevere in ministry.   


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