Ask The Experts: Teaching Our Children Biblical Truth with Alisa Childers

We are removing truth from our notion of love. Culturally now, love is just a means of making everybody comfortable.

In an episode youth pastors and parents will not want to miss, Cameron interviews Christian writer and apologist Alisa Childers about why biblical truth matters so much as we disciple our kids. Their conversation covers, among many things, the linguistic theft of words like “love” and “tolerance”; cultural lies like YOLO and “God just wants you to be happy”; and the importance of teaching kids to suffer in light of the Cross. Alisa also shares two important pieces of advice for parents, and two for youth pastors. 

Christian recording artist, writer, wife, mom, and lifelong follower of Jesus, Alisa Childers has written two excellent books on apologetics: Another Gospel?: A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity and Live Your Truth and Other Lies: Exposing Popular Deceptions That Make Us Anxious, Exhausted, and Self-Obsessed
