Rooted Parent Podcast: A Habit Called Faith with Jen Pollock Michel

Along with special guest and friend of Rooted Jen Pollock Michel, Cameron and Anna talk about the power of habit in the formation of faith. In the context of our homes, the habitual rhythms of worship and devotion, Bible study and Bible reading, prayer and churchgoing, all work together to develop our family’s commitment to knowing and loving Jesus.

Show Notes:

A Habit Called Faith: 40 Days in the Bible to Find and Follow Jesus by Jen Pollock Michel

The Wisdom Pyramid by Brett McCracken (see our review, our guidelines for using with your families, and the Rooted Youth Ministry podcast with McCracken)

The Divine Hours by Phyllis Tickle

Please see also these resources on Rooted:

Rooted Recommends: A Habit Called Faith

You’ll want to check out Michel’s other work as well. Her first book, Teach Us To Want: Longing, Ambition, and the Life of Faith, won Christianity Today’s Book of the Year in 2015. Keeping Place; Reflections On the Meaning Of Home and Surprised by Paradox: The Promise of “And” in an Either-Or World are equally rich and insightful. She has twice been a guest on the Rooted podcast, speaking about shepherding students through paradoxes of faith and about helping students lean into faith during difficult times.