Discipling doubters is not about apologetics or clever answers, it’s primarily about inviting them, and compelling them with our lives, into the presence of Christ, so that regardless of their questions or their skepticism, they encounter a real Jesus.
In this excellent talk from Rooted 2022, Barnabas Piper talks about how, despite growing up in a loving home that was saturated with intentional training in God’s Word, he did not have “reality with God.” For many students, doubt doesn’t take the form of outright disbelief, but rather a vague lip service to facts that have no genuine shaping influence. If doubt can take a person away from God or towards God, as Piper suggests, how can we help our students move towards their Creator and Redeemer?
- Barnabas Piper is an assistant pastor at Immanuel Church of Nashville. He is also an author, speaker, husband, and the father of two teenage daughters.
- Join us for Rooted 2023 in Franklin, TN, November 2-4.
- Help My Unbelief: Why Doubt Is Not The Enemy Of Faith by Barnabas Piper