How do you do youth ministry in a gospel-centered way? In this episode of The Rooted Youth Ministry Podcast, Rooted’ Chairman Cameron Cole spends time with Ethan Wormell, a youth pastor in Southern California. Ethan shares his story of how he practically blazed a trail to implemented gospel-centered principles into the youth ministry at his church. New youth workers, as well as youth workers who are new to the concept of gospel-centered youth ministry, will in particular be equipped and encouraged by this episode.
Additional resources:
“What Does Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry Actually Look Like?” (A Conversation with Arek O’Connell):
“Youth Ministry Q&A with Cameron Cole, Sedrick Moore, Rebecca Heck, and Kevin Yi: Rooted 2020 Conference”
“Dear Brand New Youth Minister:”
Lead Them to Jesus: A Handbook for Youth Workers:
Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry: A Practical Guide: