Fear Factor: When Our Asian American Children Face Racism with Owen Lee, Tracy Yi and Kevin Yi

The past two years have seen increased violence and rhetoric against Asian Americans. In this episode of the Rooted Parent podcast, Anna talks with pastors Owen Lee and Kevin Yi, and pastor’s wife Tracy Yi, all of whom are parents. Our friends share their fears for their children and the grief they experience when the country they love can be unfeeling, ignorant, and even hostile to their families. Listen to feel seen and understood or listen to understand; listen most of all to be encouraged by the hope we have for healing and reconciliation in Jesus Christ.

Owen Lee is the senior pastor at Christ Central Presbyterian in Centreville, VA. He and his wife Margaret have three teenage and young adult children.

Tracy and Kevin Yi serve and work at Church Everyday in Northridge CA, where both wear numerous official and unofficial hats. They have three young children.