In this episode, the guys are joined by our friend Bryan Brown to discuss the Disney+ series, “Falcon and the Winter Soldier.”
We discuss what we liked about the show, where it could’ve been stronger. Since one of the central storylines of the show focused on race and whether or not there could ever be a Black Captain America, we discuss the show’s interaction with much of what’s happening in our culture today. The conversation wraps up by focusing on ways youth workers can discuss the show and its themes with students in our ministries.
We also settle the issue of who won our F&WS prediction wager that we laid out in the last episode. Tune in to find out who wins and what the consequences will be.
Post Credits Audio: Kevin’s Facebook post about Cap’s shield.
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If you want to respond to any of our hosts, you can reach us on Twitter:
Mike McGarry: @revmcgarry
Clark Fobes: @fobesman
Kevin Yi: @kevinhyi