Thanos to Theos

Thanos to Theos is a podcast for youth and student workers committed to reaching teenagers with the Gospel, featuring conversations ranging from comics and culture to theology and ministry. Join us as we discuss our efforts to contextualize the gospel and sound doctrine to youth culture and family lives of our students. Thanos to Theos is hosted by Clark Fobes, Mike McGarry and Kevin Yi.

Episode 42: Youth Pastor Mandalorian

In this episode, the guys do a deep dive on the third season of the Mandalorian, and how youth pastors can connect the themes of this third season to our faith. There are so many vectors for us…

Episode 41: Antman, a Quantumania Mess

In this episode, the guys share their thoughts about Antman and the Wasp: Quantumania, the state of the MCU, and how important good storytelling is.  They also take a moment to shine a light on some great storytelling…

Episode 40: The One with Two Guys

In this very special Clark-less episode, the guys try to do a decent show without him.  As much as we want to pat ourselves on the back, it’s a little lacking in something.  But they try their best…

Episode 38: Wakanda Forever

In this episode, the guys talk about one of the most anticipated movies of the year, Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever.  They discuss their reactions to this massive film, and everyone’s individual Infinity Stones rankings.  They also talk…

Episode 37: She-Hulk: It’s K.E.V.I.N’s Show

In this episode, the guys sit down to talk about their experiences at the Rooted 2022 Conference and why Mike wasn’t there.  We’re also soliciting questions for a Q&A episode that we’d like to do, so please submit…

Episode 36 – Ms Marvel with Jared Kennedy

In this episode, the guys are joined by a very special guest, Jared Kennedy.  He’s the author of Keeping Your Children’s Ministry on Mission: Practical Strategies for Discipling the Next Generation, The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible, and number of children’s…