“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”- Genesis 2:24
- A Resource for Teenagers About ‘Attraction, Identity, and Relationships’
- Parents, Let’s Reframe the Sexuality Conversation by Jennifer Kvamme
- Prayers for A Teenager Who is Same-Sex Attracted by Chelsea Kingston Erickson
- Preparing Christian Children for the Transgender Moment by Cameron Cole
- What Does It Mean to Be Human? A Biblical Response by Kevin Yi
- Moms: Talk With Your Sons About Sex by Carolyn Lankford
- Sex at First Sight: Understanding the Modern Hookup Culture by Richard E. Simmons III
A Letter to Parents of Same-Sex Attracted Children by Landon Wolford.
A New and Quiet Type of Suffering: by Cindy Maston. In this profoundly helpful and compassionate article, writer Cindy Matson explores some of the things that parents with transgender children may be experiencing. She gives solid biblical counseling to the friend or minister who wants to support a parent who is likely experiencing loss, shame, confusion, and betrayal in the wake of a gender transition.
Preparing Your Kids for Pride Month by Amy Davison (Mama Bear Apologetics).
Youth Workers, Parents, and Pride Month by Walt Mueller“As parents and youth workers, we must use our voices to teach our children and teens what God really did say if we hope to help them find their way through the cultural narrative’s lies on sex and gender.”
- Parenting, Technology, and the Truth: Why Our Bodies Matter
- Teens’ Sexuality and Gender Confusion with Amanda Smith
- Rooted Parent Podcast: Preparing Christian Children for Transgender Issues (Season 2: Sane Parenting in Insane Times)
- Podcast: Walt Mueller on Teaching Teenagers About Biblical Sexuality
- Rooted Podcast: Mom, Dad, What’s Sex? with Jessica Thompson and Joel Fitzpatrick
Transgender and the Gospel: A Conversation with Heather Skriba “Filled with compassion, truth, and authenticity, Heather Skriba helps us understand her transgender experience, gender dysphoria, and what role the church can play in helping people who are wrestling with their gender identity and sexuality.”
Mom and Dad, What’s Sex? Giving Your Kids a Gospel-Centered View of Sex and Our Culture by Jessica Thompson and Joel Fitzpatrick. See our review here. After laying the foundation with a biblical view of sex, Thompson and Fitzpatrick examine our culture with regard to peer relationships, social media, and pornography, and then guide parents to having great conversations with their kids about sex.
Mom, Sex is No Big Deal: Becoming Your Daughter’s Ally in Developing a Healthy Sexual Identity by Sharon Hersh. “This book will arm you with information and strategies to help your daughter arrive at a place of wholeness as she makes decisions about how she will behave sexually during the most vulnerable period of her life.”
Out of a Far Country: A Gay Son’s Journey to God. A Broken Mother’s Search for Hope by Christopher Yuan. “God calls all who are lost to come home to him. Casting a compelling vision for holy sexuality, Out of a Far Country speaks to prodigals, parents of prodigals, and those wanting to minister to the gay community.”
Free PDF book: TransFormed: A brief biblical and pastoral introduction to understanding transgender in a changing culture (by the Evangelical Alliance in the UK). This ebook presents a biblical and pastoral crashcourse on gender dysphoria while offering basic recommendations for how to minister to those who struggle.
Does God Care About Gender Identity (TGC Hard Questions Series) by Sam Ferguson. “In this concise booklet, Samuel Ferguson carefully and compassionately compares the core beliefs and practices of the transgender movement with fundamental truths expressed in Scripture.”
Sex Education Curriculum for Families by Rooted. This gospel-centered curriculum consists of four podcasts, designed to be heard by both parent and teen, and a follow-up conversation guide to facilitate discussion after listening.
Rooted Family Discipleship Video Courses: Rooted Reservoir features eight courses taught by practicing pastors, teachers, counselors, and parents. Along with every class, you will have the opportunity to complete an inductive Bible study, including questions about the video lesson, questions about the Bible text, and discussion questions for a group setting. Included in these eight courses is the course “Talking To Your Children About Sex.”
Rooted Reservoir Family Discipleship Videos: Talking To Our Children About Sex.