Many thanks to Rooted friend Chap Bettis for his generous offer to Rooted parents!
Last week we shared information on his latest resource, Parenting With Patience, a valuable tool for frustrated parents. Given that kids across the nation are currently home from school and college for an undetermined period of time under stressful circumstances, parents are in more need of patience than ever. This excellent resource trains parents how to develop biblical patience.
Chap has generously offered to share this resource with Rooted readers for free during the remainder of the month of March. Just go to his website,, and use the coupon code Rooted to download the video content.
Check out more resources from Chap below:
Three Powerful Questions to Unlock the Heart of Your Teen by Chap Bettis
A Review of the Disciple-Making Parent by Chap Bettis
Rooted Podcast: Chap Bettis on Casting a Vision for Gospel-Centered Parenting.