June-July 2020 Rooted Parent Top Ten

Welcome to this month’s Rooted Parent Top 10- a list of parenting articles from across the web for the Rooted community. This list represents ten articles we believe will encourage and equip you as you parent your kids. At the end of the list we have included several of the pieces that ran on Rooted Parent over the last month. If you have an article you’d like to contribute to the next edition of the Top Ten, please email Anna at anna@rootedministry.com.

Gospel-Centered Parenting

Lessons in Bunny Trust by Clarissa Moll, clarissamoll.com. “When we think of biblical analogies of trust, we often head straight to the gospel of Luke, to the lilies of the field or the birds of the air. Nobody calls forth the humble bunny as an icon of faith. But after watching Peter for these months, I’d like to add a third to Jesus’ lineup of pictures of trust.”

Teaching Kids to Work With Grace and Grit by Brad Larson, TGC. “When we idolize work or success, we are inclined to value tasks over people. When we idolize approval, we are inclined to value people over tasks. Praise God, there is a better way forward. Let’s call it grace-driven grit.”

Love, Sex, and Marriage. . . The Conversation With Your Kids by Walt Mueller, CPYU. “Sadly, we’ve forgotten that love, sex, and marriage all have their origins in God’s good creation. We have to start with the Creator and His design. These days, the culture isn’t doing that.”

Podcast: Help! My Teen Is Struggling with Anxiety and Depression podcast with David Murray, Crossway. “In this episode, David Murray, author of Why Is My Teenager Feeling Like This?: A Guide to Helping Teens through Anxiety and Depression, discusses how parents can help teens who struggle with anxiety and depression.”

Practical Faithfulness in the Throes of Motherhood by Glenna Marshall, Crossway. “The Lord loves you, he is working toward your spiritual growth, and he is not done sanctifying you. It doesn’t matter so much how yesterday looked. Come to him, and he will give you the rest you really need.”

How Stories Teach Kids about Sin by Betsy Childs Howard, Crossway. “We should recoil at moralism, but not moral formation.”

Why Moralistic Therapeutic Deism Is a Dead End by Jen Oshman, Crossway. “That philosophy of moralistic therapeutic deism evolved into this sort of believe-in-yourself-ism… This kind of gospel is not the gospel at all.”

Fathers Are Children, Too by Mary J. Moerbe and Gene Edward Veith Jr., Crossway. “The essence of fatherhood is found in God, not in human beings. And an awareness of vocation goes further: God exercises his fatherhood, in part, by means of human fatherhood.”

Family Issues

Online School? In-person? How Parents Are Making Their Own Fall 2020 Decisions As COVID-19 Squabbles Continue by Marco Della Cava, USA Today. “Parents doing their fall calculus should weigh their risk appetite and consult family doctors, says Dr. Nathaniel Beers, a pediatrician at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C.”

Teenagers and Technology: Answers to your top pandemic questions by Kara Powell, Fuller Youth Institute. “As we navigate this unprecedented-but-becoming-more-familiar COVID-19 season, the Fuller Youth Institute has fielded a host of questions about technology from parents, stepparents, grandparents, and guardians.”

Mom’s Depression Can Lead to Behavior Problems in Kids by Robert Preidt, US News and World Report. “Maternal depression is a significant challenge for women, families and communities, and we need to look after women better at key times in their lives…”

On Rooted Parent

Old Texts With New Life: Five Hymns For Parents to Play With Their Teens and Five Worship Songs For Families In Uncertain Times by Katie Polski. Rooted Steering Committee member and worship leader (and mother of teenagers!) Katie Polski shares songs that your kids will both enjoy and learn from as they worship. Check out our new and growing Spotify playlist here!

Pride and Parenting Teenagers in the Age of the Open Gradebook by Dawson Cooper. “Real-time grade posting becomes a blessing and a curse as any helicopter parent worth his or her salt latches on to a new method of control.”

How Do You Define Your Family Culture? by Joey Turner. “Here is the slogan I chose for our family: Jesus-loving sinners.”

Parenting in 2020: Everything and Nothing Has Changed by Anna Meade Harris. “The character of God has not changed, and His purposes will not be frustrated.”

Fatherhood: Learning It the Hard Way by Hewes Hull. “God doesn’t look away from the messy parts of our lives. He is in the midst of them, and He is working to bring His purpose to pass.”


Advancing Grace-Driven Youth Ministry

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