- Church Name: Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church
- Church Website: https://signalpres.org/
- Church City: Signal Mountain
- Church State: TN
- Church Denomination: EPC
- Job Requirements:
- To be a committed Christian, at home in the Reformed tradition.
- To demonstrate a commitment to the personal study of Scripture, prayer, and worship through the life and ministry of the church.
- To possess a strong desire and commitment to know Christ and follow him, living as becomes a follower of Jesus Christ in ALL times and in ALL places – understanding that students are observant in and outside the church.
- Proven personal experience in ministering to students, demonstrating a heartfelt love for students, a desire for them to grasp and live the gospel of Jesus, and the necessary relational skills to communicate that good news.
- Experience in all of the following: leading teams, equipping volunteers, planning or organizational development.
- To have obtained a Bachelor’s degree.
- Part-Time or Full-Time: Full-Time
- Contact Name: Camille Ward
- Contact Email: cward@signalpres.org