How Can This Day Be Called Good? A Poem by Isaiah Marshall

As we reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross on this Good Friday, we are excited to share a video of a spoken word poem from Rooted’s own Isaiah Marshall. May you be blessed by Isaiah’s words as you remember the depths to which Jesus went to save his beloved children.

“How Can This Day Be Called Good?”

How can this day be called GOOD when an innocent man died today? Death and Good seems like a contradiction. As innocent blood was shed on behalf of the guilty. His death wasn’t a period. This run on sentence punctuated His nail scarred hands. So don’t question His marks. Bruised for our transgressions and wounded for our iniquities. Aware that His holes gives proper understanding of what is meant by GOOD. The guilty faired well as His innocence bid our guilt goodbye. He pardoned those who took matters into their own hands. Violence was their method. He died A gruesome death as the world stared but if we are honest it was our sin that put Him there. 

The Cross, a public display of terror used to show others what would happen if they didn’t stay in their place. A place where love looked different, a disfigured portrait Framed His suffering. A picture of how much He loves the ones who put Him there. Offering His transient children a bridge to cross back into Eden. 

These heathens stood there chanting for His crucifixion like delete Him. He then breathed in His last breath. Exhaled it is finished. His race, completed. Every promise, completed. Sin hung with Him until death would be defeated. The same breath that spoke creation into being. The same breath that put life into their being. Crucified for claiming to be King and warns us that we’ll be crucified for proclaiming His kingship. 

But death had to release grip because the grave couldn’t hold Him. The road to the Cross was tragically trotted as they brutally beat the begotten. Forgotten, that the very spit they used to disrespect Him with only exist because of Him. How He used dirt and spit to create them only to be treated like the dirt He used to create them with. 

His perfect sacrifice, has delivered us from the curse of sin, this thorn removed, and the crown of thorns they used to mock Him with was confirmation of who Jesus is and what He came to accomplish. They hoisted Him up on the Cross to die unknowingly hoisting Him up on His throne. Because of this Day, One day every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess that His is Lord. Only His Kingdom will stand. He released His Spirit into the Fathers Hand what they didn’t know that from the beginning this was part of the Fathers plan to be United to His heir- line and He allowed our baggage to fly free though our baggage cursed the tree. Your baggage don’t define your travels only the Pilot secures our landing place. 

So, how can this day be called GOOD? Because an innocent man died today so that you didn’t have to.