Welcome to this month’s Rooted Parent Top 10- a list of parenting articles from across the web for the Rooted community. This list represents ten articles we believe will encourage and equip you as you parent your kids. At the end of the list we have included all of the parenting articles that ran on Rooted last month. If you have an article you’d like to contribute to the next edition of the Top Ten, please email Anna at anna@rootedministry.com.
Gospel-Centered Parenting
How to Teach Your Teen to Study the Bible by Jen Wilkin, TGC. “My encouragement is to simply read the Bible with your teen in a way that models and trains Bible literacy—no special teen resource required.”
Beware the Idol of Parenting Success by Christina Fox, TGC. “Ultimately, when we worship parenting success and achievement, we find our worth in what we accomplish as parents and, subsequently, what our children accomplish.”
How Can We Prioritize Our Marriage Over Work and Kids? John Piper, desiringgod.org. This links to both audio and a transcript of Piper’s answer. “God is the key to your marriage and its proper and due place of prominence. Seek him together.”
Holiday Checklist: Navigating Big Conversations With Your College Student by D. Michael Lindsey, TGC. Though the holidays are past, these conversations are HARD. And somehow the kiddos still find ways to drop their laundry off spring semester… so here’s encouragement when you do get facetime in the months to come.
The Top Reasons Young People Drop Out of Church by Griffin Paul Jackson, Christianity Today.”Slightly fewer young adults are dropping out of church after high school, but those who do have more serious reasons for leaving than a decade ago.”
Gospel-Centered Parenting and Grandparenting by Scotty Smith, TGC. “Continue to expose and free us from the faith-less, grace-less, law-heavy ways we parent, Father. Free us from over-stressing our kids and under-believing the gospel.”
We Need to be More Honest About How Hard It Is to Parent a Teen by Grown and Flown. “I’ve found it’s harder to talk about the problems I have with my teens and tweens and other moms agree. It’s not easy to let our guard down and talk about the reality of life with a teenager.”
Teen Culture
Even A Little Marijuana May Change Teen Brain, Study Finds by Shamard Charles, M.D., NBC News. “A recent study found that teen brains are more vulnerable to the effects of marijuana than alcohol.”
E-Cigarettes, Especially Juul, May Be Doing Something Odd to Kids by Lauren Dunn, Maggie Fox and Catie Beck, NBC News. “The High Point, N.C. teen ended up spending 40 days in an addiction rehabilitation program before he was able to kick his habit.”
You Know Who’s Really Addicted to Their Phones? The Olds by Clive Thompson, wired.com. “So: Why can’t middle-aged people put down their phones? Because the midpoint of life is when your need to communicate peaks.”
And On Rooted
The Grace of Giving by Katie Polski. “The grace of God is the very nature of God, and it’s His grace that should inform our giving; we give because we are image bearers of a generous and gracious God.”
Resting in Him Because I Can’t Do It All by Dawson Cooper. “I cannot dance through life in high heels playing god with my time, my relationships, and my commitments.”
Redeeming Love for Run-Down Parents by Jon Coombs. “Behind the daily grind of parenting there sits a God who seeks our hearts and the hearts of our children. He has his providential hand upon us, calling us into his care and comfort, and rescuing us from our own ineptitudes, sinfulness, and character flaws.”
To the Parent Struggling With a Struggling Teen by Kristen Hatton. “But what I want most for my kids is for them to rest secure in the love of Christ, and his Word tells me trials are what grow us. May it be well with my soul.”
A Nighttime Blessing of Gospel Love by Seth Stewart. “Grace, grace, grace defines God’s fatherhood. But would my children define mine the same way?”