Mike McGarry

Mike McGarry is the Director of Youth Pastor Theologian, has served as a Youth Pastor for 18 years in Massachusetts, and has two youth group aged kids at home. He earned his D.Min. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and has published three books – most recently, “Discover: Questioning Your Way to Faith.” Mike is committed to training youth workers to think biblically about what youth ministry is and to training them to teach theologically with confidence. You can connect with him on social media @youththeologian.

The Pillars Uphold Ministry in Quarantine and Beyond

“Gospel-centered youth ministry is great in theory, but is it effective at building lifelong disciples?” To be honest, this is a question I’ve asked with increasing frequency, especially as our typical way of doing ministry has been sidelined….

Dear Jon Steingard (and others in his shoes)

Note: This letter/article is written to Jon Steingard, formerly of the Christian band Hawk Nelson, who announced over Instagram that he is no longer sure he believes in the existence of God. His Instagram post tells his story…