Becky Paynter

Becky is a beloved daughter of the King who seeks to love her neighbors in Winston-Salem, where she grew up cheering for Wake Forest athletics and later graduated as a ‘Double Deac.’  She and her husband Rob are grateful to be the parents of three lovely adult children (and son-in-law) and two precious toddlers adopted through foster care, with whom they are always learning. Together they welcome all sorts of folks into their home and delight in throwing parties to celebrate God’s goodness. Her family is actively involved in the life of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, where Becky serves on the diaconate. She is an educator who loves spending time with teenagers, especially as they read, write, and discuss ideas in literature and history. She continues to grow in gratitude, particularly thankful for the gifts of good songs, silly dances, playing outdoors, tending plants, late nights, morning coffee, and ice cream, at any point in the day. Whether read in a book, heard in conversation, or lived herself, Becky never ceases to be awed by the beautiful complexities of our stories, knit together by our loving God.

All Parents Are Foster Parents

The recognition that I have so little control over the future – because other people maintain authority to make life-changing decisions for my foster children – is actually a picture of the truth for all Christ-following parents.