Three Reasons to Study Esther With Teenagers
Esther points us beyond herself and invites us to look ahead to Jesus
What if, instead of setting short-lived fires, we made it our mission to plant seeds that, by God’s grace, will grow and bear fruit over the next 50 to 60 years?
Esther points us beyond herself and invites us to look ahead to Jesus
Jesus is the king; adults and students are fellow disciples using their gifts to serve others.
Jesus intercedes for you and your students, making fruitful even your most disorganized talk, your scattered presence with a student, or the temper you lost in a silly game.
The goal of the youth minister should be to rely on the Word of God and the grace of the Savior, not choosing the winning side of a church politics debate.
These intimate moments in Jesus ministry are what we would call relational discipleship, and they are crucial for our students, leaders, and churches.
When you start with God’s Word, and teach it faithfully, you give your students a gift.