April-May 2019 Rooted Parent Top Ten

Welcome to this month’s Rooted Parent Top 10- a list of parenting articles from across the web for the Rooted community. This list represents ten articles we believe will encourage and equip you as you parent your kids. At the end of the list we have included the top five most-read parenting articles that ran on Rooted last month. If you have an article you’d like to contribute to the next edition of the Top Ten, please email Anna at anna@rootedministry.com.

Gospel-Centered Parenting

When Our Children Sin by Christina Fox, reformation21.org. “When we see our children sin, whether as a young toddler touching breakables on the shelf or as a first grader lying about a school assignment or as a teen watching a movie they were forbidden to watch, we need to remember the gospel. When we despair over our children’s choices, we need to remember the gospel. When we fear the path our children are headed down, we need to remember the gospel.”

Walking Our Children Through Depression: Four Ways We Imitate God by Christine Chappell, desiringgod.org. “As we have sought to help our child navigate this tumultuous season of life, we’ve found our bearings by observing God’s masterful care of his wounded ones. As Christians, we do well to consider God’s wise ways when constructing a holistic approach to parenting through depression.”

Five Ways to Help Protect Your Kids From Sexual Abuse by Julie Lowe, ccef.org. “…proactively disciple and teach your kids to know God’s ways. Cultivate openness about what is going on in their lives. Praise and encourage them for talking with you. We want our kids to maintain their innocence while feeling competent to know what to do when in peril.”

Why Our Kids Won’t Understand Us Until We Understand Them by Kara Powell, Fuller Youth Institute. “There’s a belief behind every behavior. If I can’t fathom my child’s behavior then I haven’t faced all they are navigating. In every conversation and interaction, I want to seek to understand before I seek to be understood.”

If Christianity Is True, Why Do So Many Kids Have Doubt Today? By Natasha Crain, Christian Mom Thoughts. “There is almost nothing we are “absolutely certain” about in life. If that’s what our kids believe the standard is for evaluating the evidence for the truth of Christianity (or any worldview), they have a dangerous misunderstanding. They’ll have a standard of proof that we don’t use for anything else in our daily lives and are bound to conclude they have too many doubts to believe in God just because uncertainties exist.”

3 Motivations for Parents to Avoid by Jason K. Allen, For the Church. “To make sure their heart is right, I must first nurture my own, and that includes forsaking ambition, fear, and pride.”

Theology for the Teen Years by Jaquelle Crowe, For the Church. “The shocking work of the gospel is how it changes lives that don’t think they need to be changed. And despite the fact that many of today’s teens don’t think they need the gospel, they need it now more than ever.”

Teen Culture

Fears About 13 Reasons Why Confirmed by Mary Jackson, World Magazine. “Now, a new study offers perhaps the most concrete evidence to date associating the series with a spike in suicide among teens. The study, published Monday in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, shows that in the month following the show’s March 2017 debut, suicide rates jumped to a 19-year high for U.S. children ages 10-17.”

Five Characteristics of the “Selfie” Generation by Sean McDowell, erlc.com. “In 2018, the A&E channel ran a special show called Undercover High, in which seven young adults, aged 21 to 26, went back to high school to get an inside perspective on students today. What alarmed the undercover students most was the disconnect between teens and adults.”

7 Reasons HIgh School Students Should Go on Missions Trips by Shaq Hardy, imb.com. “There is much work to be done in the US. But there is also much work to be done overseas. As mentioned above, God’s command to go doesn’t require all believers to commit their lives to overseas missions, but it is necessary for all believers to join in the work through prayer. The closer a high school student is or has been to the work, the easier it is for them to have a global perspective and understand the need for prayer.”

Five Most Read on Rooted Parent

HTH: Paul David Tripp on Law and Grace With Children by Rooted

What’s Driving Our Lawnmower Parenting? by Kristen Hatton

6 Ways to Disciple Your Kids to Pray by Joey Turner

No Matter What: Helping Kids Break Free of Performance by Jennifer Sheppard

Fully Seen, Fully Known, and Fully Loved by Dawson Cooper


Advancing Grace-Driven Youth Ministry

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